Picture by @tolaki_lawski
Seeking the outermost edge of existence, Physis emerges as a series of encounters among lights, sounds, colours, dusts, consciousness, entangled bodies…a 12-hour performative rave which could be considered as an assemblage of homo without sapiens, incipient lights of echoes, purple haze, elusive beats, mesmerised ears, metafictional anxieties, chasing the dragon as the sun rises up … an other world within the process of its own eternal (re)making— the return of ASIANDOPEBOYS
Ican Harem @icanharem
Khng Khan @9im5an
City @willballantyne
Lea Djyl @leadjyl
Lavinia Vago
Ndoho Ange @ndoho
Omid Tabari @gomcoclamp
Siko Setyanto @sikosetyanto
Ylva Falk @ylvafalk
Dis Fig @dis_fig
Felix-Florian Tödtloff
¥ØU$UK€ ¥UK1MAT$U @kesuyotsumakiyu
Special guest: Aïsha Devi @aishadevi5d
Management: @partnerincrimevienna
Lighting: Tanida Akihito
Text: @pennybirdy
Gefördert von der Beauftragten der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien und der Initiative Musik